Jack (John) Christe
John “Jack” Christie
A 90 year resident of Northern California, Jack Christie has watched the wild landscapes of the west shrink over the years and he uses a lifetime of memories and experiences to keep his favorite places, animals, and vistas alive in his art.
His lifelong love of the outdoors is reflected across his body of work. As many watercolorist will tell you, their medium is one who’s process can involve equal amounts of both love and hate. It often feels like so much more goes into the trash rather than on the wall. But no matter the frustration, it’s one that Jack’s returned to time and time again over the years and to which he’s devoted himself entirely over the past decade.
Jack tends to paint a variety of subjects, but leans heavily towards wildlife, and especially the birds and animals of Northern California. He finds their ability to continue to thrive and survive fascinating. From his early years studying at the California College of Arts & Crafts to today Jack’s been drawn to the beauty of wildlife art.
When Jack isn’t capturing the proud plumage of a male pheasant, a beautiful sunset across the delta, or the playful joy of a young otter, he enjoys his commission work which primarily focuses on people and their pets. It brings him a great deal of pleasure to celebrate the life of a beloved pet through watercolor. Lots of smiles and even tears of joy make the challenges of the medium all worth it.
