Phil Gross
For the past twenty years Gross has been involved in the art of filmmaking. In 1997 he worked as a cinematographer for a documentary about the northern Californian painter, Gregory Kondos. The more he filmed the artist, the more he wanted to join him…and so he did.
As a former geologist he spent a great deal of time studying and dissecting landscapes. That coupled with his experience in filmmaking and theater together inspire what ultimately ends up on his canvas. His compositions often contain re-occurring characteristics; low or high angle perspectives, compressed telescopic viewpoints, strong contrast in lighting, objects along the foreground (like a telephone pole) that draw you in by bracketing the edge (repoussoir) and a practice called “contre jour” meaning painting into or “against” the daylight. His goal is to bring a landscape forward, vertically stretch it, imbue it with saturated colors and drama so that you ‘the viewer’ feel you are standing in and surrounded by it rather than viewing it from afar.
It’s front row orchestra.